September 26, 2010

The report of the main findings

Here is the link to the report that summarizes the 10 European cities' tourism preferences:

September 16, 2010

Brussels 14,15/09

Brussels is the last city to be researched. I needed two days in that beautiful city to collect more than 100 questionnaires. The response rate was around 0,69. It is remarkable that 59% of the respondents have spent or have planned to spend their holidays in France at least once this year.
The survey took place at: 
Koningstraat, Parc de Bruxelles, Magdalenasteenweg, Montagne Bergstraat, Grasmarrkt, Beurs, Hogeschool University Brussels and Nieuwstraat.
The final results, for all the cities surveyed, will be posted next week.

Je vous remercie pour votre participation
Dank u wel voor uw deelname

September 12, 2010

Some interesting charts: The environmental considerations by city

After the completion of the surveys in 9 cities and before visiting Brussels for the same 
study, it is time to make an early analysis of the findings.

Question 6
When choosing your holiday destination, are you considerate of environmental issues and, for that reason, do you choose eco-friendly destinations (e.g. destinations with eco-labels or with minimized impact of tourism on the local environment)?
- Yes, environmental considerations already have and will have an impact on my holiday destination choice
- Yes, I will consider environmental issues in the future, but I did not consider them yet
- No, environmental considerations do not and will not impact my holiday destination choice
- No answer
- I have no knowledge of this topic
- I never go on holiday
- I am not aware of the level of environmental protection at my holiday destinations

Environmental considerations seems to be the topic with the largest differences across the cities. People in the European North (the Netherlands, Belgium) either do not care about the eco-labels and the environmental impact in the destinations they visit on holidays (low in answer 1) or they are not aware of this topic (high in answer 4). It is optimistic that there is a handful of respondents saying they will consider it in the future.
On the other hand, the European South (Iberia, the Balkans) seems to be more considerate about the environmental issues with answer 1 being highly chosen. It is also noticeable that Portuguese respondents highly choose answer 6 (never go on holidays).

September 3, 2010

Response rates

Here are the surveys' response rates for some of the cities already visited.

PORTO 0,75

This means that Porto seems to be the most research-friendly city. Although this is half-truth, we have to trust the numbers..
The rest of the response rates for Holland and Belgium will be posted after the completion of the survey in Brussels.