September 26, 2010

The report of the main findings

Here is the link to the report that summarizes the 10 European cities' tourism preferences:


  1. Hey! I'm the one who, together with my girlfriend, filled the questionnaire at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona! I've read the report, very interesting ideas about the difference of preferences between the analyzed cities. We also had a very interesting conversation with you! Good work and nice pics!

    Best Regards,

    Pablo & Alice

  2. Hello Pablo and Alice,
    I think we had a conversation about the IPCC and how climate change could be a conduct tool in the governments' hands.. Am I correct?
    I am still working on the analysis. As soon as this study is published, I will let you know with a new post.

    Wish you the best and keep on doing this great academic work in Barcelona.
